Outwardly looking at this place, you would be very impressed. When you walk in the door, your opinion continues to be very high. This place is very asthetically pleasing. If you were looking for an extremely nice restaurant to take a date or an out of town guest to and ensure that they were duely impressed, this would be one that would do the trick for you.
My wife loves this restaurant. I, on the other hand, have gotten past the point of being impressed by the outward appearance and have become not-so ennamered with the place after I have become more familliar with it.
I'm not basing this review on one Truluck's location. I have been to the Austin and the Dallas Restaurants and they are very simular in all respects.
And become more familliar, I have. Quite a few of my customers who work in the galleria area of Houston seem to enjoy visiting this establishment. It is one of those restaurants that seems to be "The Place To Be" in the galleria area. Any time that you go there during a business lunch time, you are likely to see many professional people, and that is a big thing for the executive oil clique.
Maybe I am jaded when it comes to seafood restaurants since I spent a considerable amout of my life in New Orleans and other Sout Louisiana cities and towns. Maybe I have come to expect that when you order ant type of seafood, that you will get a certain quality for a reasonable price.
Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to paying a premium price for good quality food, but for some reason, I just don't get it. The food is "OK", but not 5 star quality. I can't quite understand paying 40 bucks for a small hand full of stone crab legs, when i am used to going to a very clean, well run cajun seafood restaurant and getting a dozen "Very Large Select" crabs for 40 bucks, and the people are incredibly nice and unbelievably glad to have you there.
But then again, who am I to argue with success. Every time that I go there, the restaurant is full and you are lucky to be able to find a place to park your car.
My take on this restaurant on a scale of 1 to 10 is as follows:
Asthetic Beauty: 10
Ambiance: 10
Service: 8
Food Quality: 8
Money's Worth: 6 - 7
Don't shoot the messenger> This is only one man's opinion. If you disagree, don't be afraid to write your own blog.
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