Sushi Restaurants are becoming more and more popular with the American people. The thing about Japanese food is either you like it or you definately don't. Fortunately, as you can tell by the ever increasing number of Japanese restaurants throughout the country, the percentages are getting higher and higher for the people who do.
If you are like me, you have an unconcious instinct to rate the smaller, family owned sushi restaurant that has a real Japanese Sushi chef working behind the counter who can barely speak any recognizable english much higher than the more comercial, assembly line places. God forbid that there might be a sushi restaurant out there that is set up buffet style where you walk down a line and choose the type of roll or sushi that you want from trays of pre-made tidbits that may have been sitting out there for hours and you aren't sure how fresh it is, let alone whether it has been kept at the proper temperature the entire time that it has been there.
Fortunately for everyone, Tokyo One has broken all of the steryotypes that have been troubling most of the many American Sushi enthusiasts.
This place is one of the cleanest, most well run Japanese restaurants that I could have ever conceived in my wildest dreams. If there is a Japanese dish that you like or have even thought of trying in your wildest dreams, they have probably got it on their emense buffet line.
Everything is clean and very well taken care of at Tokyo One. The restaurant is incredibly impressive from the minute that you walk in the door until you leave. The staff is very attentive and go to great lengths to make you feel at home.
I have been here many times and have always been impressed and left very sattisfied. There are no quality issues that I can think of. The food is very asthetically pleasing and is always kept at the proper temperature.
Based on the number of people who frequent this establishment, I would say that there are few if any Japanese restaurants that excede this place in quality or popularity.
If you are worried about going to a "Cheap" Japanese restaurant, you can put your mind at ease. This place is pretty proud of itselt asn you will be able to attest once you finish your meal and pay the check.
As I said, I have been there many times and will continue to visit each and every time that I make a trip to Dallas.
By the way, there are a couple of Houston locations that I am not quite so fond of.
Asthetic Beauty: 10
Food Quality: 9
Service: 6- 7
Would I go back? You bet...................................
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